Sunday, December 29, 2019
Abortion Is A Social And Political Issue - 2212 Words
Abortion is a social and political issue in which we control our lives as women. Controlling our bodies clearly shows that this means the right to bear children as well as the right not to. The Supreme Court ruled that women have the right to abortion. In the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, the state cannot restrict abortion and it is the woman and the doctor’s decision to be made. During weeks thirteen to twenty-four, the state can only impose in areas that are â€Å"reasonably related to maternal health†. In week twenty-four to term, the state can restrict abortions if it chooses by prohibiting or placing restrictions on them. If the physical or mental health of the woman is in jeopardy, the state can not prevent it from being performed. Based on the 9th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, a woman right to privacy includes her right to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy or not (Vacuum Aspiration ). It is said that reproductive rights are a very critical and controversial issue in today’s world and what a woman does for her body is her own decision and a very private issue but this is not always the problem. As women, it is important to remember that the reproductive rights we have today can be easily taken away. Some people take advantage of the opportunity to birth control, condoms, and abortion. President Bush has put out policies and by coming into office that would threaten women’s choices. As defined by the 2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary, Abortion is theShow MoreRelatedAbortion Is A Social And Political Issue2035 Words  | 9 PagesAbortion is a social and political issue that many people worldwide feel strongly about. Although the thought of â€Å"killing†another human being sounds horrific, it may be the only choice. The question that is often asked, does a woman have the right to choose what happens to her unborn child. Since a woman must carry a child during pregnancy and then be responsible for its physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being, as well as the enormous expense associated with raising a child, she shouldRead MoreA Literature Review of the Popular Opinion on Abortion1651 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Literature Review Popular Opinion on Abortion Abortion has long been a source of acrimonious and controversial debate. It touches upon key ethical, moral, philosophical, biological, and legal issues. Opinions about abortion tend to be rooted in fundamental personal values which are unlikely to change. Many people, especially Christians, regard abortion as murder. Such people oppose abortion in varying degrees, calling their position Pro-Life. Others regard abortion as an excruciating yet critical decisionRead MorePolitical Opinions on Abortion Essays1223 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion is one of the most hotly contested social issue’s in American politics. It has been used as a political tool by the Republicans (conservative Right) to mobilize its opponents as a strong voting block within the party. On the other side, the Democrats (liberal Left) has use their pro-choice stance over the issue to mobilize women voters, along with other proponents who believe that abortion should be a viable option for pregnant women. It is in this context in which the political debate ofRead MoreEssay about The Issues of Abortion and Gay Marriage1521 Words  | 7 PagesThe Issues of Abortion and Gay Marriage The issues of abortion and gay marriage rights were issues that were fought over constantly by Liberals and Conservatives in the last elections. Both parties had different ways of looking at these problems, hence they both had different ideas as to how we could solve these problems. The Conservatives tended to take a more traditional stance, whereas the Liberals were set on pursuing the problem with new age solutions. The issue of gay marriage isRead MoreThe Gardens Of Democracy By Eric Liu And Nick Hanauer1443 Words  | 6 Pagescontemporary issues occur in the world of Politics. Democracy is also involved with several contemporary issues. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (2014), the word democracy is defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections (Page 215). Like in many political parties, democracy faces several political issues throughout time. Political issuesRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Ethical, Legal And Public Health Issue824 Words  | 4 PagesWhether or not abortion should be restricted in the law is a controversial ethical, legal and public health issue that affects us all. While some countries have a legal restriction on abortion, Canada has no legal constraints: abortion is regulated and determined by the health act. Liberalization movements of abortion laws in Canada started in the 1960s by both feminist groups and the medical profession. This was found necessary to address the rise in mortality rates of pregnant women. A provincialRead MoreThe Debate Over Abortion On Abortion Essay1682 Words  | 7 Pagesas political debate has existed in America, there has been a strong tension between the ideologies of conservatism and liberalism. While there are numerous differences between the two ideologies, the core of each is expressed clearly through the modern debate of abortion. The vision, ideals, and assumptions of each ideology can be identified through the way in which each ideology argues its position on abortion. The debate over abortion has been taking place since the 19th century. Abortions wereRead MoreThe Gardens Of Democracy By Eric Liu And Nick Hanauer1446 Words  | 6 Pagescontemporary issues occur in the world of Politics. Democracy is also involved with several contemporary issues. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary (2014), the word democracy is defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections (Page 215). Like in many political parties, democracy faces several political issues throughout time. Political issuesRead MoreHuman Rights And Reproductive Rights Essay1222 Words  | 5 Pageshuman rights is a complex and volatile issue that brings up many crucial discussions such as, what it means to have ‘rights’, who deserves these suggested rights and to what extent can a person exercise these rights. These types of discussions can be controversial despite most of us, especially in a liberal democracy, where we tend to view human rights in a similar manner. When examining human rights even further, there are clear ties to equality, another issue that affects nearly everyone throughRead MoreThe Debate On Abortion And Gun Control1604 Words  | 7 Pagescontroversial political topics are abortion and gun control. As for international there is terrorism. These three topics have been ongoing debates for some time. Everyone’s opinion on political controversies can be based on many factors of the individual such as religion, sex, age, location, income, and so on. Within the United States, abortion is either legal or illegal depending on the state. This is an issue that is handled by the state, giving them the choice to allow abortions or not. The key
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) - 1180 Words
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a persistent and a lot of times crippling condition which is caused by a psychologically overwhelming experience. It develops when a individual has been exposed to traumatic event. It can continue for years and even last for your whole life. Its symptoms affect every life domain – physiological, psychological, occupational, and social Post-traumatic Stress Disorder has and is effecting thousands of people, it affects children, adults, men and women. At first it was thought to be a disorder of war veterans who had been involved in combat, but research studied reveals that PTSD can result in many types of trauma especially those being life-threatening. PTSD has often been misunderstood or†¦show more content†¦More police services are adapting the newer style of dealing with mental illness within the workplace. Police services are making sure that they have counsellors that are available to talk to any officer at anytime. They a re giving better benefits and options then they did in the past such as but not limited to; gyms in the stations, free massages and more all which benefit to stress relief which can just be one of the many ways to cope with work-related stress and or mental illness. Also many police services make sure that when any of their officers have been involved in a traumatic event (such as a shooting), they automatically make the officers involved go through some psychological tests, to make sure that they are not suffering from any symptoms of PTSD. They usually continue this monitoring for months after the incident has taken place. (Gersons, 1998) The testing usually is consisted of a psychological nature and includes an evaluation of pain perception, and personalized self reported questionnaires. (â€Å"Pain perception in subjects with PTSD†, 2008) Although this type of help is available to officers, many are still afraid of admitting that they are suffering from PTSD. Some reason s for this include; they think that they might get demoted or even lose their job. They think that they will lose pay. Another reason is that they simply do not want to be known as the person that has a mental illness. This is all
Friday, December 13, 2019
Decision Making at the Executive Level Essay Example For Students
Decision Making at the Executive Level Essay The focus of my term paper is the decision making process used by todays top-level managers. Top-level managers, such as Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), Chief Operations Officers (COOs), and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), must make critical decisions on a daily basis. Their choices and the resulting outcomes affect the company, the employees, and the stakeholders. Due to the high importance of their decisions, the process they use to reach them merits a close examination. A study published in the winter 1997 volume of Business Strategy Review suggests the major factor in a decisions success is the decision process itself. The study, by Paul Nutt, suggests that poor decision making processes cost North American businesses billions of dollars each year. The study also proposes that most managers dont realize the importance of the process, and its effect on the success of the decision. Before analyzing the decision process in depth, the measurement of success must be established. Nutt used two broad measures to determine the success of decisions made. First, was the decision implemented fully. Second, was the decision still effective two years after implementation. Based on these measures, only half of the decisions in the study were considered successful. Nutt concluded that much time and money was therefore wasted on these unsuccessful decisions. So during what part of the decision making process did these top-level managers go wrong? In general, many managers often rush to a decision and stick by it, even when it continues to fail. Another cause of unsuccessful decisions is that the managers did not include those most affected by the outcome in the decision making process. The implementation method also had an effect on the overall success of the decision. The first step in the decision making process according to our text is establishing specific goals and objectives. The study divided this task into four different areas. The first area, labeled concept tactic, used a solution to a problem to guide the decision. The second, problem solving, uses an existing problem to direct the decision. The third area, objective setting, uses a preferred performance level to decide the course to follow. The last area, reframing, uses benchmarking to prove that a decision must be made. The last area was implemented more times in the study than the others. I believe that this is because competition is very fierce, and executives often feel that they must keep ahead of others in their industry. By comparing themselves to others of equal size and direction, companies must act fast if they want to keep their competitive advantage. The next step in the decision making process is to identify the alternatives. According to the author of the study, there are three ways to generate options; by copying, searching, or designing. The first way is to adapt an existing option to fit the need. The second way, searching, is to find a company that has a prepackaged solution to achieve the goals. The last way, designing, employs consultants to design a solution. The two most successful ways were copying and searching. I believe this is because the third option requires the company to attempt to explain to the consulting group exactly what they need and want. Both the text and the study agree that the next step is to evaluate the options. The study breaks down the evaluation into four areas; analytic, bargaining, judgment, and subjective. The first approach is very quantitative and can be based on data from a database, a field test, or even a simulation. Bargaining evaluations involve upper level management and stakeholders voting on options based on qualitative data. Judgment evaluations are made with no real explanation, and often are made on a hunch. The subjective evaluations are based on real data from current marketing efforts. Out of the four evaluation methods, bargaining was the most successful. Our text lists many reasons why group decisions are better than individual. I believe that is why the bargaining method was shown to be the most successful. .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .postImageUrl , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:hover , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:visited , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:active { border:0!important; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:active , .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e84df71e8ab3eba1cdf1ebcf1945b3d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lady Macbeth's Ambition Leads to Her Destruction in Shakespeare's Macbeth Essay The final and perhaps most important stage of the decision making process is implementation. The study lists three ways that managers implemented their decisions; participation, persuasion, edict. Participation involves managers assigning key stakeholders to .
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