Monday, January 6, 2020
Educational Autobiography Essay - 1436 Words
Miguel Huerta Period 1 September 8, 2010 Educational Autobiography A lot of people think education is just something you get in school, but in reality education comes from different places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was already being educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk, and a lot of other things that help out in life. I started my educational career in John F. Kennedy Elementary. I don’t really remember my years there because I only went there for Kindergarten and 1st grade. After that, I went to Sepulveda Elementary. That was a learning experience because I had to basically be on my own for a couple of days since I was the new†¦show more content†¦Sadly to say, I didn’t really have a teacher in middle school that made a big impact in my life but I matured on my own and got my stuff together and put my work first and girls second. When I graduated 8th grade I was so excited because I had accomplished something special but I knew that wasn’t the end but in fact a beginning to an even bigger obstacle, high school. I still remember on the day of graduation my mom went alone because my dad was working and after I told her that this wasn’t the last time she would see me walking down for a diploma because in couple more years I would be doing it again. That was a big deal because she never graduated high school neither did my dad because my mom had me and they had to care for me. Then finally I made it to high school. This was the place where everything I learned up to now would help me. My 9th grade year was really good I met new friends that I still talk to, got good grades but other than that it was a normal year. When I went to 10th grade I was in AOF (Academy of Finance) or Global. At first I was a little optimistic about being in it because I didn’t really know a lot of people but I stayed because I was a little curious about the whole business stuff going on in there. It was a good decision to stay because I really enjoy all the business related work and I am looking forward to even having some sort of a business career later on in life. The teacher that really made an impact on me is the teacher for whom IShow MoreRelatedEssay about Educational Technology Autobiography1552 Words  | 7 PagesEducational Technology Autobiography My experience with educational technology from K-12 to post-secondary education: The very first form of educational technology that I encountered was the use of the overhead in the first grade. In the third grade I was moved to a gifted and talented Math class; therefore, allowing my fellow classmates and myself access to a computer lab that contained seven apple computers. 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